Friday, March 13, 2009

Morgan Stanley (MS) - Looking for resistance to hold / Se espera que la resistencia aguante

MS - Making its way back up, way up, to the 25.00 resistance level the stock is running out of steam. RSI indicator is weaker on this higher attempt and the CCI is showing overbought. A pullback is expected down to the uptrend line. Notice that a gap was left behind and its expected to close before moving higher.

MS - Subiendo a la resistencia de los 25.00 la accion demuestra debilidad. El RSI indica menos fuerza y el CCI indica sobre-compra. Se espera un pullback a la linea de tendencia alcista. Noten que la accion a formado un gap y se espera que cierre el gap antes de moverse de nuevo al alza.


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