Thursday, March 12, 2009

ProShares Ultra Financials-(UYG) - Approaching resistance, by on pullback / Llegando a resistencia, comprar en pullback

UYG - Ultra Financials, yes we are now talking about long strategies in financials, at least for the short term as the story is beginning to change. Notice this daily chart of UYG, it is still in a downtrend but the upward movements have become interesting. If the market continues to rally for the next few days, expect UYG to head for the 2.75-3.00 resistance. A pullback from this resistance level is expected but this time instead of going short look for the pullback as an opportunity to buy. Notice the blue lines, looks like a possible inverse head/shoulders pattern forming!

UYG - Ultra financiera, si ahora estamos hablando de largos en financieras, por lo menos al corto plazo ya que el cuento empieza a cambiar. Tomen nota de este grafico diario de UYG, aun esta en tendencia bajista pero los movimientos alcistas empiezan a ser interesantes. Si el mercado sigue alcista en los proximos dias, espera que UYG llege a niveles de 2.75-3.00, la resistencia. Un pullback de este nivel es esperado pero en vez de pensar en cortos hay que pensar en comprar el pullback. Tomen nota de las lineas azules del grafico, parece que quiere formar una figura de hombro/cabeza invertido!


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